Irkut will test its first MC-21-310 airliner with Russian motors PD-14
Irkut will test its first MC-21-310 airliner with Russian motors PD-14

| Antony Angrand 229 mots

Irkut will test its first MC-21-310 airliner with Russian motors PD-14

First MC-21-310 with PD-14 engines was recently assembled, and will be tested and controled soon, at first on the ground and after during the flight

First MC-21-310

Irkout Corporation finished the construction of the first prototype of the MC-21-310 with turbofan PD-14 (created by Russian company Aviadvigatel). The aircraft was transferred at November 6th to the flight test department of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a subsidiary of Irkout Corporation. « The upcoming testing of the MC-21 with domestic engines is a historic event, a clear confirmation that the domestic civil aircraft industry has a strong future. » declared Anatoly Serdyukov, Irkout Company is owned by Russian consortium UAC (United Aircraft Corporation)


To the flight tests

In preparation of the first flight test, technicians will check avionics’s systems ; test, on the ground, his Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and the aircraft and his motors. This MC-21-300 is the fifth to be used for flight tests, and the first with turbobans PD-14, which explains aircraft’s name : MC-21-310, and not 300


Titanium wide blade blower

A conventional (non-reduced) twin-body turbofan engine, the PD-14 has a moderate bypass ratio of 8.5 to 1. The hot section of the PD-14's gas generator consists of an eight-stage compressor with a compression ratio of 17 to 1, an annular combustor and a two-stage turbine. The cold section consists of a single-stage fan, a three-stage low-pressure compressor, a six-stage low-pressure turbine. But the key feature that is new technology on the PD14 is the adoption of a fan with wide, hollow titanium blades.

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