First Tiger HAD/E Block 2 delivered to Spanish Army
First Tiger HAD/E Block 2 delivered to Spanish Army
© Airbus Helicopters

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First Tiger HAD/E Block 2 delivered to Spanish Army

The Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) — the agency that manages cooperative European defence programmes — has announced that the first Tiger HAD/E multi-role attack helicopter in Block 2 configuration was delivered to the Spanish Army on 13th December. Three further helicopters are scheduled for delivery before the end of the year.

The Tiger HAD/E is produced on the final assembly line at the Airbus Helicopters España (AHE) facilities in Albacete, Spain.

The helicopters will be operated by the “Batallón de Helicópteros de Ataque I” (BHELA I) in Almagro (Spain), together with the six Tiger HAP/Es and four Tiger HAD/E B1s already in service.

The HAD/E B2 offers a range of new capabilities, including:

• new software version with MMI (Man Machine Interface) improvements,

• firing capability in combination with combat external fuel tanks,

• high-frequency datalink,

• naval capabilities,

• enlarged firing envelope for the Spike missile and

• introduction of a new Engine Control Monitoring Unit (ECMU-B).

In related news, OCCAR also announced that development of the Tiger HAD Mark II standard was launched on behalf of France with the signature of the relevant contracts between OCCAR, Airbus Helicopters TIGER and TDA Armements on 15th December.

These contracts will cover development, production and support activities necessary to upgrade a fleet of 24 French HAD helicopters to the Mark II configuration. The first delivery is foreseen for mid-2020. Production will last until the end of 2023.

This standard will provide new capabilities to French Tiger HAD helicopters such as:

• laser-guided rockets (RPM) developed by TDA and

• a new GPS receiver (SAASM) and CRPA antenna system developed by Thales.

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