A satellite sights Chinese military vehicles
A satellite sights Chinese military vehicles
© Maxar Technologies

| Alexandre Rocchi 97 mots

A satellite sights Chinese military vehicles

Maxar Technologies collected imagery of the mainland Chinese city of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong, thanks to the satellite WorldView-1.

Monday, August 12, the satellite WorldView-1 collected imagery of the mainland Chinese city of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong. The pictures retrieved by Maxar Technologies show Chinese military or security vehicles gathered in the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center. The vehicles recently arrived in the city while protests have been going on in Hong Kong for several weeks, particularly affecting its airport.

WorldView-1 is an Earth-observation satellite of DigitalGlobe — a subsidiary of Maxar Technologies since 2017. The satellite, the third of the US operator, was launched on September 18, 2007. DigitalGlobe has launched its seventh satellite WorldView-4 in November 2016.

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